There are all my entries.
Few thoughts about for myself. The most important - perfect rendering, detalisation and exotic looking. Logical design and right styling itself is not number one as minimum. Most important - effect and rendering.
Пара мыслей по результатам конкурса для себя: главное - красивая отрисовка, наполнение деталями и экзотичность. Логичный дизайн и правильный стайлинг сами по себе - не главное как минимум. Главное - эффектность и подача.
Hello from Brazil!
ОтветитьУдалитьMy Design is in my blog and at Coroflot.Com; you can put your work there so people could see and hire you; off course most will copy your ideas but it’s the game.
Looking at my Coroflot portfolio and Blog you will see, agreeing with my research or not, that I didn’t started last week with transportation/vehicle design.
At Coroflot my entry was featured so get some special status over the others, get several "likeys", comments and page views; I never get so many attentions there... Very different than CGSocity forum.
Signal that the work is good by itself because I didn't post the textual description that "close" some open points in redering justifying almost everything done scientifically.
I think people didn't read it and had laziness to examine my work because you need some time to "see" the best points confronting image and text. You need some "brain" to get it!
One example: I don't know if you realize that the reflections of the rearlighs are at the same vertical distante from each other… Real and reflection ones. I can ensure you that isn’t easy do this because the rearlighs are also aligned with the principal horizontal axes at the rear of the vehicle that are wheels and compressors;
Yes, my design has my own proposal to a compressor because air springs need some compressed air… Too logic? You need to be rocket scientist to know this?
If you see my work and compare with the “winners” you will figure out what I thing about them, except #5 that need more aerodynamic work, the others are rubbish; some of them out the rules like that horrible photoshoped background... For me that horrible, impracticable and bulky “racecar” selected as winner, with the comments from a judge that confess in his innocence didn’t know nothing about motorsports is a direct hit in my face!
I never saw a contest so poorly judged in my life with several works much better than the winners, Judge head by a person that for me was a live legend. I don’t think it any more.
I will keep his early work in mind because at that time he was the best. Now I understand why a concept designer much younger don’t talk about him when asked several times about his inspirations in an interview…
But it’s it! We don’t can do anything about it! Even knowing if our work was or not featured at Siggraph. I quit with CGSocity, as said ripped off all my information and the lonely rendering at my portfolio.
That’s it my new friend! Take care at this hot summer, drink lots of water! Here in Brazil these hot temperatures are usual here…
Sincerely, your new friend from Brazil,
Lawrence Jorge RS
I liked your renderings. But think you can improve it much more with little effort.
ОтветитьУдалитьTry to did your work with more contrast, light/dark ; warm/cool ; saturated/desaturated.
Note that most Mead's cars are in bright color over dark floor with stunning reflections in booth!
I hope you did these renderings digitally, so... I recommend that you open your motorcycle at top, make the red more saturated and bright, put the dark floor, reflect it down and enlarge the reflection amount to highlight your vehicle!
If the vehicle is your objective, it must bright over the entire background!
Try it and tell me what you think!
Best regards